A service that has no promised delivery standards but is usually delivered in a week to ten days within the U.S. Duke maintains Permit #60. This enables Duke to process large mailings at a cost of about one-third that of First Class Mail. Duke departments and approved student or faculty organizations can use the permit. You cannot use the bulk permit for international mailings.
Bulk Mail services are available through the Print Management team in Duke Procurement Services. Duke provides the permit for Bulk Mail, but addressing and sorting services are outsourced through approved print and bulk mail vendors. Campus Mail Services recharges postage costs based on postal documents prepared by vendors. For more information, email print@duke.edu or call Duke Procurement at (919) 681-5900 and ask for a Duke Print Management representative or visit the Print Management Program section of the website.
In order to take advantage of these savings, the following is required by the US Postal Service:
- Minimum 200 pieces
- All pieces must be the same size and weight
- Pieces must be less than 16 ounces
- Must be sealed – you cannot use staples to seal
This meets the "move update" requirements per the US Postal Service. The return address must state on the top line “Duke University” or a common variation, however, the words “Duke University” must be included in the address.
Duke Bluebag
Campus Mail Services (CMS) has started a program for heavy volume mailers. CMS now provides Blue Round Trip mail bags and postage meter cards to internal departments to help expedite higher volumes of mail and streamline the letter mail process. If you are interested in learning more or signing up, please send an email request to postoffice@duke.edu (subject: Duke Bluebag Program).